Peace is a sound idea made manifest in a building: a peace sound chamber
Sound peace chambers are
earth focused buildings where we explore
the mysteries of sound and vibration,
developing personal awareness
and seeking the essence of peace
through ceremony and spiritual practice,
integrating our discoveries into our daily life.
The links below will take you to…
…… the visions of the sound peace chamber which were given to the visionary, Joseph Rael, who inspired people to build these chambers and to perform ceremonies around the world where they chant and dance for peace, for increased personal awareness, and to say thank you to mother-father-earth-life.
…… the building of individual chambers, including construction details and information about their current activities.
….. a description of the Chamber Keepers’ and Chiefs’ Gathering, which takes place every few years, when the chamber family meet to enjoy each other’s company and to develop the community network.
Living Lightly
…… stories about the work which is worship.
A Sound Path
…… an introduction to the mystical pathway inspired by fulfilling the visions, with a few suggestions about ways it can be helpful to our twenty first century life.
Hints for viewing the site:
Hovering over an image will reveal the title. In the text green links lead to posts, blue links lead to external websites.