Early Chambers part 1 Europe

Junitta’s Walkabout in Europe 

Sound Peace Chambers:  The Early Years 1984-1997

from a presentation compiled by Junitta Vallak for the 2008 Sound Chamber Keepers’ and Chiefs’ Gathering, edited for the web by Stella Longland. 

Whilst I was meditating in the Casurina Peace Chamber in early 1994, I received guidance to go on a ‘Walkabout’ to the USA and Europe to visit the sound peace chambers that had been built since 1984, as well as those that were in the process of being built.  

preparing to go walkaboutI followed the guidance and visited over twenty chambers and sites.

 In 1997, I returned to Europe and America and revisited some of those chambers and visited new ones.  Everywhere I went, the hospitality of my hosts and their supporters was wonderful and I thank them all.  Many generously helped me onto the next leg of my walkabout.

Here I am, kneeling in the chamber in 1994, before setting out on the first walkabout.


Little Rain Drop Peace ChamberMy walkabout began in Europe, in the north of Scotland at Little Rain Drop Peace Chamber.  Here is Lindsay outside her chamber near Ardgay.

Joseph blessed the site on June 21st 1991 and it was completed on December 31st in the same year. 

This chamber was the fifth one built.  

It was later demolished and Lindsay is now living in England.  She co-authored Tracks of Dancing Light with Joseph.


Song Of The New Dawn Peace Chamber The first chamber built in England near Worcester also in the early 90’s was Song of the New Dawn.  

The woven wicker walls echo ancient Celtic building methods.  The photo was taken in 1994.

Song Of The New Dawn interior

 The interior of Peter’s chamber looking towards the entrance door.  I joined him in a cornmeal ceremony and some chanting and drumming.  My visit also coincided with the monthly firelighting ceremony.

stained glass windowOne of the stained glass windows showing a caduceus and Tudor rose.  Peter’s property at that time was a place with a long history.  There used to be a Tudor chapel on the site where Peter built the chamber.  Henry the Eighth’s older brother, Arthur, married Katherine of Aragon in the chapel.


When Peter later moved to Hereford he removed the posts and stained glass windows and conducted a ceremony of burning the old, returning the rest to the earth.


 Skye Peace ChamberThe Skye Chamber is in a beautiful location on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, not far from the sea.   Ocean and Scotty Graham were the custodians of the first chamber on Skye which was completed in 1993.  Joseph blessed the chamber in 1997.  These photos were taken in 1997 on my second chamber pilgrimage.  Here I am about to open the door.

Skye Chamber interior



 Ocean sitting in the beautifully decorated chamber. 

Skye Chamber sipapu 


The interior of the Skye Chamber showing the the sacred hole in the floor filled with crystals.



Song Of The Cleansing Time Peace ChamberPaul and Jan Benham are the custodians of this beautiful chamber, Song of the Cleansing Time, in Powys, Wales.  

The huge nature spirit in this magnificent Oak tree is the Guardian of the chamber.  They have an organic farm and supply the surrounding district with their produce.

Song Of The Cleansing Time interiorI visited this chamber twice, Peter took me the first time in 1994 and then Lindsay drove me there for the second visit in 1997.  Here I am with Paul on my second visit.



Sligo Chamber interiorSligo Peace ChamberI visited the Sligo Peace Chamber in the Republic of Ireland in 1997.  The chamber, nestling into the side of the hill, was under construction when I visited.  Henry, the custodian, used sacred geometry in the design and was making it of plywood which he had very appropriately painted green. 

 Henry inside the chamber. 



I travelled to Germany. 

God Wanders As Light foundationsThis photo shows construction work on the Angerbach Gangkofen chamber in Germany, God Wanders As Light

God Wanders As Light nearing completionThese photos were given to me by the custodians Uwe and Monika in 1994.  They had a good response to working bees and the chamber was constructed every weekend over one summer.

The chamber nestles into the side of the hill. 

God Wanders As Light Peace Chamber





I took this next photo of the interior of the chamber during my walkabout in 1994. 

God Wanders As Light interior


An old silo barrel was used for the construction; the beautiful wood was over 30 years old.  The chamber is set slightly below ground and is oval in shape. 


Wherever I went I did a connection ceremony with the chamber and the site.  I found that each chamber I visited had its own signature sound; Uwe and Monika’s had a high pitched hum.  I eventually realized that altogether, the chambers were combining in a vast Song of Peace and that this song changed as each chamber added or subtracted to the whole and also as new chambers were dedicated.



The custodian of this next chamber, Beautiful Flower, in Grobropphausen in Germany is Shania.
Beautiful Flower Peace Chamber

Beautiful Flower door

Theadoro made this beautiful door for Shania.

 In all Hildegard, sitting here in Beautiful Flower, took me to visit three chambers.

Hilde in Beautiful Flower




 The roof skylight.

Beautiful Flower skylight


Hildegard drove me on a day trip of 13 hours to the next chamber in Germany.  The custodian of the Light From The Heavens Peace Chamber at Wasserkoog is Sophia. 

The first chamber Sophia built was shaped like an egg and made of earth.  The structure was not secure, and, after the roof collapsed, the chamber flooded.  The site is very near the North Sea and many dykes are in evidence. 

Hilde shows the entrance to Light From the Heavens

Sophia built another chamber in 1991.  The new chamber was an old saurkraut barrel which only had to be lowered into the existing hole. 

A trapdoor was cut in the roof and the access is from above. 

In this photo Hildegard is standing on the roof, showing the only entrance to this chamber.

skylight and roof door


The roof has both a skylight and a door.

Light From The Heavens interior


Sophia sent me this photo showing the beautiful additions that were made to the chamber. 

This chamber was built around the same time as Lindsay’s in Scotland and Peter’s in England.




This is the Vienna Peace Chamber in Kahlenberg near Vienna, Austria.  It has been built behind the house belonging to some friends of the custodian.

Vienna Peace Chamber

Vienna Peace Chamber interior


The interior of the chamber. 

I visited this chamber twice and both times the custodian was away, so we never met.  A lady called Hanna was associated with the chamber in those days and kindly hosted me.


Hanna took me to the One Who Is Speaking Peace Chamber at Hoch near St. Andria, Austria. 

One Who Is Speaking Peace Chamber

gathering in the chamber

The custodians are Doris and Norbert.  Again it was another long drive to a chamber, as this one is close to the Yugoslav border, a long way from Vienna.

A group of people in the chamber.


While I was staying with Hilde, her family came to visit so we had a barbecue on the edge of the roadside near her 200 year old house.

a family gatheringa roadside barbie

 Hilde’s barbecue.  Looking at this photo brings back so many memories of the great hospitality that custodians and other chamber supporters gave to me on my travels.


Hilde and Theadoro took me to visit One Side of God is Singing, the Other is Listening

One Half of God Is Singing The Other Is Listening Peace Chamber

the chamber interior


Lukas built this chamber with his children.

This was the smallest chamber that I had visited.  The earth floor was covered with small white pebbles, and larger ones were placed in the four directions. 


  Lukas moved from this property and the family that bought it are using the chamber. 


My walkabout continued in America, and you will find that part under a separate link:  Early Chambers part 2 America.


Since 1997, more chambers have been built and more are planned. 
Joseph’s ring of Light for Peace around the Earth Mother has manifested
and each chamber is a vibrating jewel in this necklace of light.  

Love, Peace and Light to you all. 

May you walk and dance in beauty and may the Song of the Chambers continue to vibrate around the world,


Love, Peace and Light to you all, Junitta


white border

Filed under: Chambers | Posted on March 23rd, 2010 by Stella

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