Sweet Beautiful Waters Peace Chamber
The Birthing of the Chamber: as told by Jane Innmon, the chamber caretaker
I went to my first Mystery School led by Joseph in 2003. The first time I went to a Sun Moon Dance was also in 2003 as a support person, and I danced my first dance the following year in Pennsylvania.
In 2005 I went to the Peace Chamber Gathering in New York at The House of Mica. Joseph was there with us, and we had a lot of teachings from him. Many of them I can still remember word for word. We were inside the Chamber doing a sharing when a couple who live in Virginia spoke of the great need for a Chamber in their area as there was a Sun Moon Dance nearby but no community to support it. I had spent many years wondering where I was supposed to move and now I had my answer: West Virginia! I spoke to Joseph about my inspiration to build a Chamber there and he told me to go eat some lunch, and that if the vision stuck after that then it was a true vision. I laugh every time I think of that.
Well, I had some lunch and 7 years later we are living in Tucson, Arizona, and the Peace Chamber is ready to have a roof put on.
In those 7 years I married and we looked for land in West Virginia because that is where I thought we were supposed to be, but Coyote was playing with us: we found 40 acres of land in Berkeley Springs WV and put an offer in on it, but the financial system collapse happened right around the same time so we didn’t get the financing. This is when I say “thank you Great Spirit!” West Virginia just wasn’t right for us, I was trying to stay close to my Pennsylvania spiritual family and my own family and friends but it just wasn’t to be.
I took that Winter off to pray and rest and to wait to see where we were supposed to go. In March of 2009, as Spring approached, I woke up and asked: “what about Tucson, Arizona?” I had finally figured out I wanted to live closer to my children who lived in California, and that I wanted to live someplace that was essentially warm year round, we had visited Tucson in 2008 and it seemed great.
Then the work of getting our house ready for sale and finding a place to rent in Tucson till we could find our house to buy. By March of 2010 it was on the market and sold in April, we moved to Tucson in July of 2010.
We moved into our own house in June of 2011 and we are nestled in the Tucson mountains on 5 acres of land. I had taken money from the proceeds of the sale of my house in Malvern and put it aside for the Chamber construction.
I asked Keith Hagberry if he would come from Colorado and oversee/help build the Chamber and he said yes! Jack Gillette came from Pennsylvania to do all the excavation work and on February 20th 2012 on the day of the new Moon we began.
(Jack, Keith, myself, and Pat)
Ever since then I’ve felt very much like I’ve been dancing, and I am in awe of the energy and beauty of the unfolding of the Chamber. It wants to be born! We’ve had so many adventures in terms of where on the land to put it. I was asked in July to walk and chant on the land every day so I could listen to Spirit regarding where the Chamber needed to be built. I was totally sure it should be built on a beautiful hill we own. I was sure, that is, until 3 weeks before we were to begin. Then I was walking in a lower part of the property close to where I had built the sweat lodge and suddenly it seemed that the Chamber needed to be down there. I just stayed with that feeling.
When we began the excavations the backhoe immediately hit a Grandfather Rock that would not be moved. All work stopped, we gathered together to confer and pray, and we decided to relocate the Chamber close by to a flat place in between two washes that run thorough our property.
(footings in place)
The location seemed perfect, Joseph had named this Chamber Sweet Beautiful Waters and now it was sitting between these two washes. Jack and Keith built a horseshoe shaped rock wall around the Grandfather, the fact was that I had been praying for an ‘Ancestors’ Altar’ on the land since my Father had passed in November of the previous year, and Spirit had answered my cry the first day we began work. Now I go down each day to sing and bless the Grandfather Rock and also the cardinal stones that we have placed around the Chamber.
Being new to the area we don’t have a large community of people here that know Joseph’s teachings so we hired a contractor who has fallen in love with the project.
Everyone who has come to work on it is curious:
“what is this building?” “what is it for?” they ask.
(doorway and shrine) (sunburst through doorway)
One day I had taken some snacks down to Jack and Keith that included some hard boiled eggs, as Jack and Keith were working with the dimensions and shape they took a good look at an egg and the Chamber is now a perfect egg shape! When you are inside it feels as if you are in a space ship looking at the stars.
(chamber shell)
That first week, about 3 days into things, I was woken up by the Grandfather Rock who was calling: “feed me, feed me”. Everyone else was still sleeping so I got up, got dressed, and took some prayer flags and crystals down to the Chamber site. I fed the Grandfather with cornmeal and placed the crystals on him, along with the prayer flags.
There are no words for the connection that is there with the Land, the Chamber, and all that is. It is magical. I continue to receive messages about what the Mother and the Chamber need and do my best to fulfil them.
By the building of this Chamber
I am already and forever changed,
my husband Pat is already and forever changed,
and we are not done yet.
Jane specializes in helping women entrepreneurs heal the trauma of sexual abuse and the ways that pain is holding them back from success. She helps women work miracles in their lives with ceremony, custom blended flower essences, and sound and vibrational healing. Jane is the Keeper of Sweet Beautiful Waters Peace Sound Chamber. For over twenty five years she has worked with Flower Essences and Vibrational healing. She is a student of Grandfather Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow, the visionary of the Peace Chambers.
website: http://www.sweetwaterhealingarts.com